As on : February 03,2025
Company Status : Active
Class of Company : Public
Sr No. | Director Identification Number (DIN) | Director Name | Date Of Appointment |
1 | 07556408 | ADITYA WADHWA (1) | 15-05-2017 |
2 | 05313886 | AMIT DALMIA (2) | 21-06-2023 |
3 | 08538625 | ANIMESH AGRAWAL (2) | 21-06-2023 |
4 | 02889310 | KAPIL DHAMEJA (1) | 15-05-2017 |
5 | 08319159 | MUKESH GULRAJ MEHTA (1) | 21-06-2023 |
6 | 10170738 | NITESH BANSAL (1) | 30-05-2023 |
7 | 06912329 | RUCHICA GUPTA (2) | 09-06-2015 |
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