
As on : September 20,2024

  • Director Identification Number (DIN) : 0002040476

Detail Information

SHASHI JAIN is Currently Serving as Director in following Companies

Sr No. Company Name CIN / LLPIN / FCRN Date Of Appointment Date Of Incorporation PaidUp Capital / Contribution Serving As Director Since
1 B9 BEVERAGES LIMITED U80903DL2012PLC236595 30-09-2015 28-05-2012 ₹1,00,000

Directors in Above Companies

Sr No. DIN Director Name
1 00162071 MANOJ KUMAR KOHLI (4)
2 01846010 ANKUR JAIN (5)
3 02040476 SHASHI JAIN (1)
4 02806475 BHARAT ANAND (8)
5 07129633 SAKSHI CHOPRA (4)
6 08262657 ANKEETA PAWA (3)
7 09084929 HIROMASA HONDA (1)