
As on : September 22,2024

  • Director Identification Number (DIN) : 0007955328

Detail Information

SAGARIKA TANDAN is Currently Serving as Director in following Companies

Sr No. Company Name CIN / LLPIN / FCRN Date Of Appointment Date Of Incorporation PaidUp Capital / Contribution Serving As Director Since
1 PAWSOME PET SERVICES LLP AAL-3704 11-12-2017 11-12-2017 ₹1,00,000

Directors in Above Companies

Sr No. DIN Director Name
1 00441563 GOKUL NARESH TANDAN (4)
2 00793571 RITU TANDAN (1)
3 02122340 BHAVNA BARMI (1)
4 07955328 SAGARIKA TANDAN (1)
5 08013804 ZAI TANDAN (1)