As on : March 14,2025
Director Identification Number (DIN) : 0000002990
Sr No. | Company Name | CIN / LLPIN / FCRN | Date Of Appointment | Date Of Incorporation | PaidUp Capital / Contribution | Serving As Director Since |
1 | EMIRATES TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED | U70100DL2004PTC183874 | 06-11-2022 | 12-03-2004 | ₹20,00,00,000 | |
2 | MAJESTIC AUTO LIMITED | L35911DL1973PLC353132 | 29-06-1993 | 23-04-1973 | ₹10,39,82,280 | |
3 | MAJESTIC IT SERVICES LIMITED | U70109DL2009PLC196844 | 06-11-2022 | 12-12-2009 | ₹16,45,95,000 | |
4 | SUNSHINE ANALYTICS LLP | AAS-3816 | 28-04-2020 | 28-04-2020 | ₹10,000 |
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