As on : March 13,2025
Director Identification Number (DIN) : 0002621248
Sr No. | Company Name | CIN / LLPIN / FCRN | Date Of Appointment | Date Of Incorporation | PaidUp Capital / Contribution | Serving As Director Since |
1 | CAMELLIA SALES PRIVATE LIMITED | U52100WB2009PTC137859 | 30-09-2022 | 19-08-2009 | ₹1,10,000 | |
2 | CAMELLIA SUPPLIERS PRIVATE LIMITED | U52190WB2009PTC137165 | 30-09-2022 | 24-07-2009 | ₹1,32,000 | |
3 | RIJ INDUSTRIES LLP | AAC-6805 | 08-09-2014 | 08-09-2014 | ₹1,00,000 |