As on : December 29,2024
Director Identification Number (DIN) : AAXPG2178C
Sr No. | Company Name | CIN / LLPIN / FCRN | Date Of Appointment | Date Of Incorporation | PaidUp Capital / Contribution | Serving As Director Since |
1 | JINDAL (INDIA) LIMITED | U51109WB1991PLC092393 | 21-11-2022 | 14-01-1952 | ₹12,94,00,500 |
Sr No. | DIN | Director Name |
1 | 00006552 | SANJEEV AGGARWAL (6) |
2 | 08303983 | PRAMOD KUMAR (9) |
3 | 09291769 | DEEPAK AGARWAL (1) |
4 | 09440165 | SARMISTHA CHOWDHURY (6) |
5 | 09714954 | BINOD KUMAR SINGH (6) |
6 | AAXPG2178C | DEEPAK GARG (1) |
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